November 23, 2019

Nick Fury knows how to assemble a team

“The idea was to bring together a group of remarkable people, see if they could become something more. See if they could work together when we needed them to fight the battles we never could” -Nick Fury

It starts with people who care, who want to make a difference, people who take the initiative to do the work. No one has to tell them to start the project, they start it and ask others to join.

Then, of those that care, they must possess remarkable potential. Here is a hint, if you care, you are full of potential.

The last ingredient is purpose. Once you care, once the potential is there, then you need purpose. Fury assembled the Avengers to save the world. He gave them an opportunity to channel their extra ordinary potential to do something much bigger than themselves.

They stepped up because they cared, and had potential. They stepped up when someone gave them a purpose beyond themselves.

Nick Fury knows how to assemble a team.